May 19, 2014

One Minute Witness

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One Minute Witness



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One Minute Witness is a tool to activate the body of Christ into intentionally and compassionately sharing their faith on a regular basis. The average convert needs an average of seven positive interactions with believers before they will make a decision to surrender their lives to Christ. This tool can be taught and practiced in a conference that takes place in one afternoon and evening. Power point presentation makes it easy to comprehend and role playing gives you practical experience before the actual outreach. Knowledge without application is useless so we go out for one and a half hours and return sharing what we have learned. We close our time with a time of worship to the Lord for the growth in our lives and the seeds planted and hopefully souls saved.

The teaching will help you present your testimony in a clear compelling way as to draw the listener into curiosity before using Christian terminology. Many will turn away when they know you are a Christian but with this tactic, before they know it, they will be drawn into interest in your story. Your story will not be shared until you first here a bit of their’s, “what is the best thing that has ever happened to you or one of the best things?” This will put them in a good mood before you ask them, “Can I share with you the best thing that has ever happened to me.”



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The five steps are preceded by valuing the individual, having compassion on them and showing interest in their life, then the five steps begin:

  • Permission- Can I ask you a question?  What is the best thing…
  • B.C. What was your life like before Christ
  • T.P. Turning point- how did you hear about Christ in a way that brought transformation.
  • A.D. What has you life been like since coming to Christ
  • If I’d never…  If I had never accepted Christ I would still be without hope, wondering about where I would spend eternity….


Call us at 715-353-2280 and ask for David to come and do the training or to learn more.

For more information and the video teaching on this topic check out this link.


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Good news Interior


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Cody and Vance at Oakwood mall


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Upcoming event:


July 3rd and 4th – OMW training (One Minute Witness) starting Thursday night at 7pm then continuing Friday morning at 9am with an outreach beginning at 10:30am before the Liberty Fest parade.  It will be an interdenominational event held at The Refuge Church, in Chetek Wisconsin behind the Dairy Queen.
